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Lockkeys Training

Starting A Locksmith Business Part Two

Starting A Locksmith Business Part Two

Added at 14:35 on 11 December 2023


If ive not persuaded you not to become a locksmith in Part One then lets move onto Part Two which is selecting where to do your training and this is assuming that you are paying for the course yourself.

  • Remember that at the moment March 2024 there is currently no registration of licensing of locksmiths required in the UK so anyone can become a locksmith so you need to decide whether you want to do a locksmith course without the need for a qualification which is a much cheaper option or do a qualification in locksmithing such as the Level 3 Diploma in Commercial Locksmithing & Security which is a ofqual regulated course/qualification which will take 6 to 12 months to complete but you can start trading from the start of the course.
  • Select and write down a list of training providers starting from the closest to you and then going out to those who you could easily travel to daily (unless you are willing to budget for a hotel or B & B) and decide whether you want to concentrate on doing warrant locksmith work (working with a enforcement officer serving utitlity warrants or commercial warrants or a general locksmith (working with mainly residential customers) because the training required for both jobs is different eg for warrant work there is a focus on none destructive entry to locks eg picking whereas in the general locksmithing field you will need to know how to open locks when they have failed and picking them is not a option and of course spending time opening and replacing failed upvc door and composite door locks.
  • From this list then select those who are offering small group or one to one training. I say this because you will benefit from having personal attention when undertaking any course not just locksmithing and this is a fact.
  • From this list then compare the training programme eg what you are going to be taught and then select those who are offering the most time for your money. eg 2 days at 0900-1700 will work out after 1 hour lunch and a hours coffee breaks to be 6 hours training time per day so 12 hours in total. 
  • From this list gather a number of questions together and then phone the respective trainers and ask them your written questions, you can normally gauge during a conversation whether your going to like someone or not and this is important becuase if you dont like them then your not going to learn much. Remember that the after course support or mentorship is very important when first starting you will need it.
  • From this list then arrange visits to the training centres to meet the tutors see the facilities and effectively try before you buy.

Hopefully this will help you decide how to go about choosing a trainer/training centre and of course all the very best if you choose locksmithing as a new career.


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